Smoke, Fire and Lights: Multi-Sensory Model Railways

Of the many things I usually enjoy that I have missed during lockdown, one of them is rail travel, as no doubt may others have too. Living through such unusual circumstances though can give us an opportunity to explore the unfamiliar. Exploring the unfamiliar opens up possibilities to discover aspects of ourselves we may have perhaps been unaware of for so long, in particular our creative capacities. To make up for not being able to go on real railway journeys, lockdown has seen my focus my attention more towards miniature railway journeys, where I have been making some additions to my model railway. With many of having to spend more time at home to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus, railway modelling has seen a boom in both rediscovery of the pastime through train sets being brought back to use after being packed away in attics for years and new uptake of the hobby, which has seen model railway firms, including Hornby, experience a boom in sales even higher than during their usu...