Rails, Rodents and Raspu-Timmy! How a Rat saved a TV station and inspired a generation!

As I write this entry, like all of us, I am currently living under self-isolation conditions due to the very strange and obviously worrying threat of the Coronavirus. With being only able to leave home for essential reasons, it will likely be a fair while before I am able to post a travel-themed blog entry, so instead, I am going write the entry that I have been wanting to post for quite some time! Those who know me well will likely know that as well as Asperger-related obsessions with railways, astronomy and cricket, all of which began for me at young age, I also have quite an obsession with TV nostalgia. The story I am about to tell is what I consider to be possibly the greatest story for those, like myself, who grew up in the UK in the 1980s. A inter-woven series of developments that occurred during my upbringing would not only see a rat save a flagship TV station, but would also be an inspiration to travel, including learning as to why it is important to take plenty of toothp...