Antarctica: The Adventure of a Lifetime - Part 3: Photographer's Delight at the Lemaire Channel and Kayaking through the Empire of Ice in Pleneau Bay

The rainbow turned out to have a meaning after what myself and the other campers were lucky enough to see when camping on Leith Island. Following the amazing sunset seen from Leith Island while camping, it was difficult to imagine a sight just as wonderous. But whereas it was pure coincidence that a spectacular red sky pleasing to the camera lens appeared shortly after a rainbow, there is often a little more truth in the age-old expression ‘red sky at night, shepherds delight’. Human ability to observe and remember patterns, including in the skies and with the weather, often has deeper scientific meaning behind it. Red skies are caused by dust and particles being trapped in Earth’s atmosphere scattering the blue light and leaving behind the red. Red skies at sunset mean that high pressure is moving in from the west, which often means that the following day will likely be dry and pleasant. Passed down through several generations, including through times when observation and experi...