Paintings, Poems and Delights - Incorporating Artistic and Literary Influences into 00 Gauge Modelling Realisation

Railway scenes have often provided inspiration of many great works of art and literature. But in reverse, art and literature can also inspire railway scene in miniature. When shaping scenes in miniature drawn from artistic and literary inspirations, when thinking about the worlds that the artists and authors lived and worked in, it opens the modeller up to how they would have seen, interpreted and maybe expressed the scenery the modeller has created through their work if they were brought back to life in miniature. When I started building my layout based around a small country terminus station, thinking about what 00 gauge passengers could see from the train window, I envisioned a scene that could be the perfect subject for a poem by the late former Poet Laureate John Betjemen (1906-1984). Later when thinking about and developing the scenic details, I began to envision a scene that could be the subject for a painting by John Constable (1776-1837). Cole Hawlings (Patrick Tro...